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TMS Data Modeler Documentation

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Project Validation

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TMS Data Modeler offers a tool to validate all project items, checking consistency and settings of objects.


To validate your project, select Check on the Project tab on the Home ribbon. All project messages are then shown on the Messages window, which is at the bottom of the application, under the workspace.


Error message: refers to an error on the settings of a project object that will cause problems when generating a database, for example a relationship between two tables without defined fields/keys.

Warning message: refers to a possible consistency problem that may cause problems when generating a database, for example a relationship between two tables where the selected fields/keys are not compatible.


Right-clicking on any message opens a context menu will allowing you to Go to the related object, Clear messages or Save messages. You can also go to the related object by double-clicking on the message.


Below follows a list with all possible validation messages. Messages about [object] are regarding extra objects, such as procedures, views and generators.


Error Messages

Constraint has no name on table [table]

Duplicate constraint name [constraint] on table [table]

Duplicate domain name [domain]

Duplicate field name [field] on table [table]

Duplicate index name [index] on table [table] (all DBMS except Firebird): a table contains more than one index with the same name. Index names must be unique on the table.

Duplicate index name [index] (table: [table]) (only on Firebird): the project contains more than one index with the same name. Index names must be unique on the database.

Duplicate [object] name [name]

Duplicate relationship name [relationship]

Duplicate table name [table]

Duplicate trigger name [trigger] on table [table]

Empty expression on computed field. Field: [field] on table [table]

Field has no name on table [table]

Identity field cannot have a default value. Field: [field] on table [table]

Increment value cannot be zero on identity fields. Field: [field] on table [table]

Index has no name on table [table]

Index [index] on table [table] has no linked fields

Invalid constraint name [constraint] on table [table]

Invalid field name [field] on table [table]

Invalid index name [index] on table [table]

Invalid [object] name [name]

Invalid relationship name [relationship]

Invalid table name [table]

Invalid trigger name [trigger] on table [table]

Missing child field on relationship [relationship] (link #[N])

Missing parent field on relationship [relationship] (link #[N])

[Object] has no name

Relationship has no name

Relationship [relationship] has no linked fields

Relationship [relationship] is self-referencing and can only accept ON DELETE NO ACTION and ON UPDATE NO ACTION methods. (only on SQL Server)

Size out of range on field [field] (table [table]). Size must be between [min] and [max].

Table has no name

Table [table] contains two identity fields

Trigger has no name on table [table]


Warning Messages

Constraint name [constraint] on table [table] is a reserved word

Field name [field] on table [table] is a reserved word

Incompatible data types ([parent field]/[child field]) on relationship [relationship]

Index name [index] on table [table] is a reserved word

Missing expression on check constraint [constraint] (table [table])

Name too long for constraint [constraint] on table [table]. Maximum size is [size] characters.

Name too long for field [field] on table [table]. Maximum size is [size] characters.

Name too long for index [index] on table [table]. Maximum size is [size] characters.

Name too long for [object] [name]. Maximum size is [size] characters.

Name too long for relationship [relationship]. Maximum size is [size] characters.

Name too long for table [table]. Maximum size is [size] characters.

Name too long for trigger [trigger] on table [table]. Maximum size is [size] characters.

[Object] name [name] is a reserved word

Object] [name] has no create implementation

Parent index [index] of relationship [relationship] is not unique

Relationship name [relationship] is a reserved word

Size was not specified on field [field] (table [table])

Table name [table] is a reserved word

Table [table] has no fields

Table [table] has no primary key

Trigger name [trigger] on table [table] is a reserved word

Trigger [trigger] on table [table] has no implementation



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