AdvStringGrid Export and Import filters
The following tables list the members exposed by TExportOptions.
Name |
Description |
When true, the cell format(background color, alignment, etc) will be exported to Excel. When false, the existing format in the Excel cells will be used. | |
AdvStringGrid by default has margins around the columns and rows. This means that for example a 20 pixel wide column might have 16 pixels of effective width. When this property is false, that column will be exported as 16 pixels to Excel. When true, the column width will be 20 pixels in Excel.IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU CAN SET THIS PROPERTY TO TRUE ONLY IF YOU ARE NOT REIMPORTING THE FILE. If you have an import/export cycle and this property is true, the column widths will grow ad infinitum. For example, imagine you export the column width at 20px. When importing, the... more | |
When false (the default) cells will be exported as numbers, biileans, etc, to Excel, and you need to format them to look the same. When true, all cells in the grid will be exported as strings. This way, they will look exactly the same, but you will have a string "1" instead of a number 1 in the Excel cell. You can't use those strings in formulas. | |
If true, row heights and column widths will be exported to Excel. If false, columns and rows in Excel will have their default size. | |
If true (the default) checkboxes in the grid will be exported to checkboxes in Excel. | |
If true, comments in the grid will be exported to Excel. | |
If true, the formulas in the grid will be exported as formulas in Excel. If false, the result of the formula will be exported as a value in Excel. | |
In Excel, a group of cells formatted in a solid background color won't show gridlines. If you set this property to true, we will add borders around those cells so they look like the grid. If false, gridlines will be the ones Excel shows, and won't show in solid color regions. | |
IF true, hidden columns in the grid will be exported as hidden columns in Excel. If false, hidden columns won't be exported. | |
IF true, hidden rows in the grid will be exported as hidden rows in Excel. If false, hidden rows won't be exported. | |
If true (the default)the images in the grid will be exported to Excel. If false, no images will be exported. | |
If true (the default) nodes in the grid will be exported to outlines in Excel. You can control how the "+" symbols will appear with SummaryRowsBelowDetail | |
If true (the default), many print options in the grid like print orientation will be set also in the generated Excel file. If false, those options won't be exported. | |
When false (the default), we will try to convert the html in the grid to similar formatitng in Excel. When true, html text in cells will be sent "as is" to Excel. | |
If you set this property to true, RTF text in cells will be exported 'as is', without converting it to plain text. So, if you export a rich text "Hello" into cell A1 and this property is true, you will see a string similar to "{rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang14346{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 Calibri;}}viewkind4uc1pardsa200sl276slmult1lang10f0fs22Hbi ellob0i0par}" You can use this property when you don't want to show the spreadsheet to a final user, and just use it to save and load data into the grid. (AdvExcelIO will load those RTF strings back into rich text when you import the file) | |
If true, readonly cells in the grid will be exported as Locked cells in Excel, and normal cells will be unlocked (so if you protect the sheet, those cells will not be editable in Excel). If false, all cells(readonly or not) will be exported as locked, the Excel default. | |
If true, the exported Excel file willdisplay gridlines. If false, the exported Excel file will have a white background. If setting it to false, you might want to set HardBorders = true. | |
If true, when exporting outlines to Excel the "+" symbols will be at the last row (or column) of the range. This is the Excel default, but it is not the way outlines show in AdvStringGrid. If false the "+" signs will appear at the start of the groups. | |
When true, the standard Excel color palette will be used while exporting. Excel 97/2003 have only 53 available colors, and any color that does not match must be replaced with the nearest one. If this property is false, the Excel color palette will be changed to better display the real grid colors. Note that when you want to edit the generated file, having a custom palette might make it difficult to find the color you need. | |
When true (the default) word-wrapped cells in the grid will be exported as word-wrapped cells in Excel. When false, cells in Excel won't be word-wrapped. |
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