AdvStringGrid Export and Import filters
TLocationOptions Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TLocationOptions.

Copies source into this object.  
Creates a new TLocationOptions object.  
The first column of the grid to export. Note that this is 0-based, but the first column is normally the headers of the grid. As you normally want to export just the data and not the headers, the default value is 1.  
The first row of the grid to export. Note that this is 0-based, but the first row is normally the headers of the grid. As you normally want to export just the data and not the headers, the default value is 1.  
Column in Excel where the first column of the grid will go. This is 1-based, so 1 means column "A" in Excel.  
Row in Excel where the first row of the grid will go. This is 1-based, so 1 means the first row in Excel.  
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